Blazing Saddles Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #7

REVEREND: Well, if we're going to stay, and I think it's a big mistake, we're going to need us a new sheriff.

It's clear that once the community of Rock Ridge decides to stay put, they're going to need a new sheriff to come in and try to keep up the rule of law. But they're tired of seeing their own people killed by desperadoes, so they telegram the governor to send them someone from away.

Quote #8

TAGGART: I understand there's a new sheriff in town. Who wants to kill him?

Yup, it's business as usual for a thug like Taggart. As soon as he hears there's a new sheriff in Rock Ridge, he asks his men who'd like to do the honor of killing the dude.

Quote #9

BART: Well, once I establish myself in this here town, Deputy Spade might turn out to be a groovy position.

Despite all the racism that he faces when he first gets to town, Bart keeps believing that the people of Rock Ridge will eventually accept him. Of course, his buddy Jim thinks this is all crazy because there's no changing the way people in a rural town think if all of them are raging racists.