Brave New World Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #31

"It was base," he said indignantly, "it was ignoble." (11.105)

John's opinion on the feely is so confusing and painful for Lenina to hear because, in fact, it is a reflection of his opinion of her—or at least of her sexual escapades.

Quote #32

"But it's absurd to let yourself get into a state like this. Simply absurd," she repeated. "And what about? A man—one man."

"But he's the one I want."

"As though there weren't millions of other men in the world."

"But I don't want them."

"How can you know till you've tried?"

"I have tried." (13.12-7)

This makes it sound like Lenina's desire for John is a simple case of wanting what you can't have. If she really loved him, she probably wouldn't be sleeping with "dozens" of other men. (Although you could also argue that this is her conditioned way of dealing with emotion. Your pick.)

Quote #33

"Well, if that's the case," said Fanny, with decision, "why don't you just go and take him. Whether he wants it or no." (13.28)

Fanny just suggested rape, but we're thinking that, in a world where "everyone belongs to everyone else," they don't really have any notion of what this means.