Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Mr. and Mrs. Gloop Quotes

"He eats so many bars of chocolate a day that it was almost impossible for him not to find one. Eating is his hobby, you know. That's all he's interested in. But still, that's better than being a hooligan and shooting off zip guns and things like that in his spare time, isn't it?" (6.2)

Hmm. Is it really better? Of course shooting off zip guns sounds dangerous, but so does almost drowning in a chocolate river, which is what Augustus eventually does.

"Mr. Wonka doesn't seem to think so!" cried. Mrs. Gloop. "Just look at him! He's laughing his head off! How dare you laugh like that when my boy's just gone up the pipe! You monster!" (17.40)

Even though Mrs. Gloop is the one who seems to be accusing Mr. Wonka of being crazy, she's getting pretty crazy herself. In fact, everyone's acting a bit kooky at the chocolate factory. Maybe it's the grass made of sugar…