Clarissa Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What—what—what now!—bounding villain! Wouldst thou choke me! (224.7)

Don't look now, but Lovelace is talking to himself. Okay, so he's talking to his heart—he's worried that it's not on board with his evil actions. Weird. It's almost like his heart is taking revenge on his body. 

Quote #5

Had I been her brother, her violation must have been followed by the blood of one of us (258.5)

It's a good thing Belford's not Clarissa's brother—or maybe it's too bad, because then Clarissa wouldn't have had to wait for an entire book to get revenge. The way Belford tells it, he only has to seek revenge if a blood relation is wronged.

Quote #6

Oh Lovelace! Lovelace! Had I doubted it before, I should now be convinced that there must be a world after this, to do justice to injured merit, and to punish such a barbarous perfidy! (258.10)

We don't get to hear much about how Lovelace will be punished in hell, but Belford's not afraid to take it to a dark place.