Clarissa Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I understand that thou breathest nothing but revenge against me, for treating thee with so much freedom; and against the accursed woman and her infernal crew (493.1)

Lovelace is crying revenge to everyone, but he can't seem to take responsibility for his own awful actions. Maybe he should take revenge on himself, hm?

Quote #8

Oh cursed by every careless devil!—May this or worse be their fate, every one of them! (499.15)

Sounds like someone up there's got it in for Mrs. Sinclair. Before she peaces out, she makes sure to curse everyone in her brothel. You know, just for good measure. If someone's going to take revenge on her, she's going to make sure that everyone gets in on the revenge action. 

Quote #9

Thou sayest thou wouldst have saved the lady from the ruin she met with (516.11)

Lovelace wants revenge on Belford for failing to save Clarissa. Sure, dude, that makes sense. Since you're the one who ruined her and all that.