Cloud 9 Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Cloud 9. Caryl Churchill. Routledge, 2000.

Quote #7

"You should always respect and love me, Edward, not for myself, I may not deserve it, but as I respected and loved my own father, because he was my father." (1.3.120-123)

Clive demands that his son Edward love and respect him, but not because he's a good father. It's only because he is the father that Clive thinks he's entitled to love and respect, because he loved his own father in the same way. For Clive, love is not something you feel for someone voluntarily. You force yourself to feel it out of duty.

Quote #8

"Would you love me if my teeth fell out? "
"Yes." (2.2.442-443)

As Lin gets more aggressive with her flirting, Victoria decides that she likes their little games and strokes her own ego by getting Lin to profess her love over and over. During this scene, Victoria keeps on thinking of various scenarios that are supposed to make her unlovable, like having her teeth fall out. But Lin is always ready to say she'd love her anyway. Victoria already knows this is the answer, but it makes her feel good to hear it.

Quote #9

"Gerry I love you." "Yes, I know. I love you, too." (2.3.142-143)

Gerry treats Edward terribly, but Edward just keeps coming back like a loyal dog. He even tells Gerry that he loves him, and Gerry says the same thing back. But there is not a whole lot of evidence in this play to suggest that Gerry actually means what he's saying here.