Code Name Verity Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Date.Paragraph) or (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I am finished now, so I will just sit here writing it again and again until I can no longer stay awake or someone discovers what I am doing and takes the pen away. I have told the truth. (1.28. XI.43.24)

Julie finally finishes her narrative, and now her insane endurance kicks in. As soon as her captors know she's finished, she's, uh, literally finished, so we don't blame her for buying more time.

Quote #8

"She was—she was focused. She didn't expect to hear her own code name come up in the conversation and it shook her, but she didn't—you know, she didn't hint at rescue—I think she's still dead set on completing her assignment, and has reason to believe she can do it from inside." (2.11.20)

This is Georgia Penn, reporting back from her interview with Julie. Julie hasn't quit or turned informer at all; in fact, she's figuring out how to complete her mission while a prisoner. Respect.

Quote #9

Julie put in the great-aunt story because she thought we might have to blow the place up with her inside. That there might be no other way. And she wanted us to do it anyway. (2.21.22)

Whew, Julie really wants that mission completed, which we guess is a good quality in an SOE agent.