Code Talker Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I remember approaching the field. It was wide open with no cover, the kind of place any fighting man wanted to avoid at all costs. (16.25)

On the island of Peleliu, Chester faces his toughest battle yet. Crossing an airfield exposed to enemy fire takes a whole lotta guts, and Chester's got them.

Quote #8

[W]e Navajos don't celebrate the accomplishments of one who has done his expected duty, so although the homecoming was joyous, there was no reason to celebrate my bravery. (17.26)

We'd expect big parties, drinking, and even some fireworks in celebration of Chester's safe return home. But no. The guy risked his life to save his country? So what. He was just doing his duty.

Quote #9

"[The code talkers'] resourcefulness, tenacity, integrity and courage saved the lives of countless men and women and sped the realization of peace for war-torn lands." (21.6)

These are the words of President Richard Nixon, who honors the code talkers in a letter to the Navajo Tribal Council in 1971. Who are we to contradict Nixon's praise of the code talkers' courage?