Cold Mountain Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And if Ada would go with him, there might be the hope, so far off in the distance he did not even really see it, that in time his despair might be honed off to a point so fine and thin that it would be nearly the same as vanishing.

But even though he believed truly that you can think on a thing till it comes real, this last thought never shaped up so, no matter how hard he tried. What hope he had was no brighter than if someone had lit fire to a taper at the mountain's top and left him far away to try setting a course by it. (3.76-77)

Even if hope seems miles distant, might there be a way to reach it after terrible experiences? What would that take for Inman?

Quote #5

He floated along thinking he would like to love the world as it was, and he felt a great deal of accomplishment for the occasions when he did, since the other was so easy. Hate took no effort other than to look about. (3.114)

Inman's pretty depressed after fighting, but he keeps trying to fight his own disappointment with the world. Is that the way he'll overcome it, or does he need something more than willpower?

Quote #6

Inman was sorry not to have bid them farewell, but he walked all through the day with some brightening of his spirit from the clear dream he had been awarded in the dark of night. (5.141)

Can even a small thing like a good dream help Inman overcome disappointment?