Cold Mountain Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And, too, Inman guessed Swimmer's spells were right in saying a man's spirit could be torn apart and cease and yet his body keep on living. They could take death blows independently. He was himself a case in point, and perhaps not a rare one, for his spirit, it seemed, had been about burned out of him but he was yet walking. Feeling empty, however, as the core of a big black-gum tree. Feeling strange as well, for his recent experience had led him to fear that the mere existence of the Henry repeating rifle or the eprouvette mortar made all talk of spirit immediately antique. His spirit, he feared, had been blasted away so that he had become lonesome and estranged from all around him as a sad old heron standing pointless watch in the mudflats of a pond lacking frogs. (1.63)

Not only is war soul-deadening, but it seems to be getting worse as technology improves. Things like the Henry repeating rifle are examples of war technology that makes battles more terrible than they used to be with good old longbows and broadswords.

Quote #5

Before them was the battlefield falling away to the town and the river. The land lay bleak as nightmare and seemed to have been recast to fit a new and horrible model, all littered with bodies and churned up by artillery. Hell's newground, one man had called it. (5.54)

Charles Frazier could probably start a side business in dark YA novels like The Hunger Games. He sure knows how to describe a terrifying scene…and like a lot of dark YA novels, this scene comes partly from technological advances in war.

Quote #6

Right there's what mostly comes of knowledge, the boy said, tipping his chin out at the broken land, apparently not even finding it worthy of sweeping a hand across its contours in sign of dismissal. At the time, Inman had thought the boy a fool…. But he now wondered if the boy might have had a point about knowledge, or at least some varieties of it. (5.58)

Is the boy who thinks that knowledge causes war and destruction right? What kind of knowledge has Inman learned on the battlefield?