Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I made one dark, the other fair; one lively, the other gentle. (9.1.53)

Rousseau is pretty clearly interested in contrast, even when he's creating fictional characters.

Quote #8

The Countess d'Houdetot was getting on for thirty, and was not in the least beautiful. (9.1.11)

Rousseau appreciates beauty, but he doesn't need it to fall in love. He's practically obsessed with the Countess d'Houdetot.

Quote #9

I had seen her several times at the theatre and at Mme Dupin's, ten or twelve years earlier, when she was still the Duchess de Boufflers and still possessed her early and radiant beauty. (10.1.30)

Leave it to Rousseau to remember a beautiful woman from twelve years earlier.