The Confidence-Man Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Confidence-Man.

Poverty Quotes

From his betaking himself to this humble quarter, it was evident that, as a deck-passenger, the stranger, simple though he seemed, was not entirely ignorant of his place, though his taking a deck-p...

Philosophical Viewpoints: Misanthropy vs. Charity Quotes

"—tell me, was not that humor, of Diogenes, which led him to live, a merry-andrew, in the flower-market, better than that of the less wise Athenian, which made him a skulking scare-crow in pine-b...

Foolishness and Folly Quotes

"You fools!" cried he with the wooden leg, writhing himself loose and inflamedly turning upon the throng; "you flock of fools, under this captain of fools, in this ship of fools!" (3, 50)

Isolation Quotes

"A cosmopolitan, a catholic man; who, being such, ties himself to no narrow tailor or teacher, but federates, in heart as in costume, something of the various gallantries of men under various suns....

The Supernatural Quotes

A Metamorphosis More Surprising Than Any in Ovid (31, title)

Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

He stood vexedly twitching at his cap-tassel, which fell over by his whisker, and continued: "Well, I am very sorry. In fact, I had something for him here."—Then drawing nearer, "you see, he appl...

Men and Masculinity Quotes

Needless to say what distress was the unfortunate man's, when, engaged in conversation with company, he would suddenly perceive his Goneril bestowing her mysterious touches, especially in such case...

Education Quotes

"Quite an original:" A phrase, we fancy, rather oftener used by the young, or the unlearned, or the untraveled, than by the old, or the well-read, or the man who has made the grand tour. Certainly,...