Crash Abby Coogan Quotes

Abby Coogan

Quote 1

Abby sneered, "My big brave brother, Crrrash Coogan, is afraid of mice." (16.60)

Crash's sister, Abby, all but calls him "Little Miss Crash" here. No wonder he feels like he needs to prove his manliness all the time.

"Is Daddy quitting his job, too?" Her face showed what she wanted the answer to be.

"No," said my mom, "not unless you want to live in a hut." (45.20-45.21)

Crash's dad works 70 hours a week, and by the end of the novel, there's no sign he's cutting back. That's in sharp contrast to Crash's mom, who sacrifices her career to spend more time with her family. What sort of message does that send about gender norms?

Abby took a couple bites. She kept staring at my mom. You could tell she was chewing on more than steak.



"Can I get my clothes at Second Time Around from now on?" (13.54-13.57)

In an interesting reversal of gender norms, Crash is a huge clotheshorse, while Abby is happy to get her stuff at the thrift shop. What do you think Abby finds attractive about secondhand clothes? What does Crash find so repulsive about them?