Crash Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I stood at the doorway, looking. He was sleeping on his back. He wore a tank-top undershirt. And he was old. I had never seen it before, not in the kitchen, not at the football games [...]. But now, sleeping in the bed of my ten-year-old sister [...] he was just about as old as anybody I ever saw. (30.24)

What is it about seeing Scooter in his sister's room that makes Crash see his grandfather with new eyes? Have you ever had an experience like that?

Quote #5

My mom says he has to learn to walk again. She says he doesn't talk too good, and he doesn't remember stuff. (33.2)

After his stroke, Scooter has to deal with some of the same challenges that infants face. It's super sad. Watching that change in his grandfather makes Crash think about a lot of things.

Quote #6

Dear Mr. Scooter: My parents and I are very sorry to hear about your illness. We hope you get well very soon. In order to help you, I am sending you this jar of mud from the Missouri River. (34.32)

Penn had planned to save the mud for his own use, but he changes his mind. He probably thought Scooter needed it more. How does this gesture affect Crash?