John "Crash" Coogan Timeline and Summary


John "Crash" Coogan Timeline and Summary

  • When Crash is 6 years old, he meets his new neighbor, Penn Webb. He hates him on sight.
  • Despite the fact that Crash is a total jerk, Penn tries to be his friend. Every gesture of friendship he makes is wasted on Crash, who's determined not to like him.
  • Fast-forward to seventh grade. Crash meets Mike Deluca, and they quickly become BFFs. Their hobbies are football and being mean to Penn.
  • Crash's grandpa Scooter moves into his family's house full time. Crash is over the moon.
  • Crash's parents are always working, but Scooter helps make up for it by coming to all of Crash's football games.
  • A week before Christmas, Scooter has a stroke. It ruins the holiday for Crash, who's normally super into presents.
  • Scooter recovers enough to return home, but he can't talk or get around very well. Crash tries to adjust to this new reality, but it frightens him.
  • Crash notices something strange: Penn has taken to running around their neighborhood at night. Soon Crash learns he's practicing for the Penn Relays, which Penn is a little obsessed with. His great-grandfather won many years ago.
  • Crash likes running, too, and he happens to be good at it. As he and Penn practice at school, it becomes clear that Crash is the better runner.
  • One day, Penn drops off a gift for Scooter on Crash's doorstep. It's Penn's most prized possession, some river mud that's supposed to have healing properties. Despite his own awfulness, Crash is touched.
  • There's only one place for Crash and Penn's age group on the relay team, so they're competing for the spot. Crash lets Penn win.
  • A year later, Crash and Penn have become best friends.