Crash Mr. and Mrs. Coogan Quotes

"Get a trap."

"Me?" said my father.

"You're the male. You're supposed to be the hunter." (17.10-17.12)

Mrs. Coogan is a feminist—at least, that's what we've been led to believe so far. So, what's up with this quote? Is she seriously pawning off this job on her husband because he's the "man of the house," or is there something else going on here?

"Mrs. Linfont found them when she was dust-mopping under your bed today. She said she didn't want to be snoopy, but she thought it was kind of unusual." (38.2)

We know it's the thought that counts, but when Crash, Mr. Tough Guy, buys a pair of red glitter heels for his grandpa, we had to laugh. This is the second casual reference to cross-dressing in the novel, by the way. (Remember Abby co-opting Scooter's old boxer shorts?) Think there's any significance there?

"I quit. Actually, I half quit. I'll still do it part-time, but only on my schedule. The mall can get along without me." (45.5)

Crash's mom decides to spend more time at home after Scooter's stroke. We have two questions for you. First, why do you suppose it's Mrs. C and not Mr. C who makes the decision to cut back on work? And second, do you think her decision had anything to do with Abby's protests of the mall?