Crash Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Why did you ask your father about the number of square feet in an acre? Why not your mother?"

Abby had a yellow mustache from melted cheese. She looked stumped for a minute. "I think…I thought…acres was men's stuff." (13.61-13.62)

What Abby really means is math is men's stuff. Oh, no, she didn't! (Oh, yes, she did.) Thankfully, her mom sets her straight.

Quote #5

Before he could stop her, Abby snatched the top pair of shorts and pulled them on over her jeans. She checked herself in the mirror. "Oh, Scooter, can I have these, please? Just one pair." (20.11)

Yes, Abby is asking for her grandfather's old underwear. Truly the fashion dream of every 10-year-old girl. Okay, probably not, although these sorts of fads do come and go. But why do you think Abby is so interested in wearing her grandpa's old knickers?

Quote #6

She had to be in sixth grade, but she had the body of a third grader and the face of a grandmother. She had on enough makeup for ten clowns. She must have put it on in the dark after her mother dropped her off. (22.21)

Crash is clearly trying to be funny, but we can't help but notice how harsh he sounds in judging his young, female classmate. Take a second to put yourself in the shoes of this young girl. What must this experience be like from her perspective? How might she describe Crash?