The Crying of Lot 49 Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Even if enough exposure to the unvarying gray sickness had somehow managed to immunize him, he could still never accept the way each owner, each shadow, filed in only to exchange a dented, malfunctioning version of himself for another, just as futureless, automotive projection of someone else's life. (1.12)

How does Mucho view the relationship between men and their cars? Is this just the raving of a depressive or is there some truth to the vision? Would it be different if he worked at a new-car dealership?

Quote #2

This was San Narciso's big source of employment, the Galactronics Division of Yoyodyne, Inc., one of the giants of the aerospace industry. Pierce, she happened to know, had owned a large block of shares, had been somehow involved in negotiating an understanding with the county tax assessor to lure Yoyodyne here in the first place. It was part, he explained, of being a founding father. (2.3)

How important has technology become to America? How important has it always been? To what extent do real-life companies like Yoyodyne control the way that America functions?

Quote #3

She heard commercials chasing one another into and out of the speaker of the TV. She grew more and more angry, perhaps juiced, perhaps only impatient for the movie to come back on. (2.66)

How does the television mediate Oedipa's relationship with Metzger? How do they get to know each other through watching television?