The Crying of Lot 49 Resources


Lot 49 Wiki

The Lot 49 page from a large Wiki put together by fans of Pynchon's work. Yup: Pynchon is complicated enough to need his own Wiki.

Articles and Interviews

Embattled Underground

The original New York Times review from when Pynchon's book came out. It's even more complicated than the book itself.

The Satirist

A slightly more critical (and down-to-earth) review of Pynchon's book.


Ducking the National Book Award Ceremony

A video about how Pynchon had an actor speak for him when Gravity's Rainbow won the National Book Award in 1973.

Pynchon on The Simpsons

Though Pynchon is a famous recluse—and hasn't done an interview in years—that didn't stop him from agreeing to a brief cameo on The Simpsons. Priorities, man.


Lot 49 Lecture

You don't have to go to Yale to hear what one of their English professors thinks about Thomas Pynchon's book.