Cymbeline, King of Britain Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Hath Britain all the sun that shines? Day, night,
Are they not but in Britain? I' th' world's volume
Our Britain seems as of it, but not in 't,
In a great pool a swan's nest. Prithee think
There's livers out of Britain. (3.4.158-162)

Here, Imogen literally doesn't know where to go other than Britain, which is the only place she's ever lived. But she's also being metaphorical here: for the first time, she has to leave the comfort of her familiar life. It's a mental journey as much as a physical one. Both Imogen and Posthumus have to travel far from "home" in order to grow and become worthy of each other.

Quote #5

These present wars shall find I love my country,
Even to the note o' th' King, or I'll fall in them. (4.3.51-52)

Pisanio can see that one of the strange things about war is that it really ups people's patriotism. Even though he was suspected of offing Cloten (that would be treason), he knows he loves his country, and that's enough for him to have faith that it will all work out.

Quote #6

ARVIRAGUS, as Cadwal 
I am ashamed
To look upon the holy sun, to have
The benefit of his blest beams, remaining
So long a poor unknown. (4.4.48-51)

Arviragus wants to fight for his country even though he barely knows what this country is (he really just knows the cave he grew up in and the forests where he's gone hunting). It doesn't really matter to them who wins or loses the war, in the sense that his life will be pretty much the same either way. So why do you think he's really into the idea of fighting for Britain?