Cyrano de Bergerac Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1900 Movie

Cyrano de Bergerac, a silent film with Constant Coquelin.

1925 Movie

Cyrano de Bergerac, starring Pierre Magnier as Cyrano.

1938 TV Movie

A BBC live performance of the play for television, starring Leslie Banks as Cyrano.

1950 Movie

Cyrano de Bergerac, starring José Ferrer. Ferrer won an Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his portrayal of Cyrano.

1987 Movie

Roxanne is a modernized version of Cyrano de Bergerac with Steve Martin starring in the Cyrano-equivalent role.

1990 Movie

A French film that won an Oscar for Best Costume Design.


Movie Poster

Here’s a movie poster from the version starring Gerard Depardieu.


Walter Hampden as Cyrano.

Cyrano and Roxane

Walter Hampden as Cyrano and Caroll McComas as Roxane.

French Playbill

A playbill, which makes more sense if you happen to speak French. If not, you can still admire the aesthetics.

Cyrano in Art

A statue of… wait for it… Cyrano de Bergerac!

Coquelin as Cyrano

A photo of Constant Coquelin, the actor who portrayed Cyrano in Rostand’s original silent film production.