Daughter of Smoke & Bone Chapter 52 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • If you didn't figure this out ages ago, the dude in the horse mask is Akiva.
  • Also, Akiva is a seraphim. The sworn enemy of the chimaera.
  • Madrigal instantly assumes he's in chimaera-ville for nefarious purposes.
  • He tells her he's only there for her. She manages to suppress a swoon, mainly because she fears what Thiago will do if he finds out.
  • (As we know from Madrigal's ultimate fate, this fear is completely rational.)
  • Karou tells Akiva that she's betrothed to Thiago. Before Akiva can react, someone grabs Madrigal from behind.
  • It's not Thiago—he would probably just grab her actual behind—but her sister, Chiro.
  • Chiro wants to know who the sexy horse-headed stud was that Madrigal was dancing with. She manages to evade the question.
  • Thiago makes a grand entrance, but all Madrigal can think about is "where her angel had gone" (52.56).
  • Shucks.