A Day No Pigs Would Die Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Shameful. Them two living under the same roof, without benefit of clergy. You know well as I what's going on in that house, right under our very noses."

"Maybe," said Mama, "our noses are where they shouldn't be." (9.5-6)

Just like Papa with his fences, Mama thinks that keeping on your own side of the boundary lines is a major factor in being a good neighbor. Do Mama and Papa generally share the same opinions about community? Are either of them a part of a community that the other is not?

Quote #8

"Haven says he's a worker. And I say the Bascom place never looked better. She couldn't of done it alone, run that farm. Life ain't easy for a widow woman."

"Easy's the word for her."

"What goes on under a neighbor's quilt is nought to me," said Mama. (9.16-18)

The community may have strict rules about the proper behavior of a widow and her hired man, but to Mama, the rule of minding your own business comes first. Way to be a stand-up lady, Mama. We know it's tough.

Quote #9

When I jumped out of the oxcart, and Papa was turning Solomon for home, all he said to me was one word: "Manners." (10.9)

Seems like manners are pretty important to Papa. And what are manners but rules for how to interact with the rest of your community?