A Day No Pigs Would Die Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Twice, Papa had seen a buck and several doe upon the ridge. But each time he got the shotgun and slugshells ready, the deer were gone. Jacob Henry's father got a buck. So did Ira Long. One of the men who farmed for Ben Tanner got a doe. But Papa didn't have a deer rifle; only a shotgun with ball loads. He had to get close for a shot. (14.3)

Poor Papa. He's trying so hard to do whatever he can to avoid having to sacrifice Pinky, but he just can't catch a break. The fact that the Pecks are too poor to afford a deer rifle makes it even harder for him to provide for his family. Life's just not fair sometimes, is it?

Quote #8

Pinky did not have a litter of pigs. She was bred and she was barren. And she ate too much to keep as a pet. (14.6)

Even a pet is a luxury that Rob's family can't afford. From the beginning, it was assumed that Pinky would eventually pay her own way by producing a brood of profitable piglets. Since that clearly isn't going to happen, Papa has no choice but to make the hard decision.

Quote #9

Then I went inside to change clothes, as it was almost noon. As a young boy, I'd had a black suit that Mama made me. But I always felt like a preacher in it. Besides, now it was way too small. And what Papa owned was too spare. So I just put on a new pair of work shoes that were tan, and a pair of Papa's old black trousers which I turned up inside and stuck with pins. I wore one of his shirts with no necktie. I looked at myself in the mirror, to make sure I had the dignity to lead a family to a grave. I looked more like a clown than a mourner. The shirt didn't fit at all. And the tan work shoes just stuck out like I was almost barefoot. I ripped the shirt off and threw it on the floor. "Hear me, God," I said. "It's hell to be poor." (15.24)

Even when he's getting ready for Papa's funeral, Rob is still struggling with the consequences of the family's poverty. Ouch.