A Day No Pigs Would Die Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Before I walked out of the tackroom, I noticed something I'd not took note of previous. It was the handles of Papa's tools. Most of the tools were dark with age, and their handles were a deep brown. But where Papa's hands had took a purchase on them, they were lighter in color. Almost a gold. The wear of his labor had made them smooth and shiny, where his fingers had held each one. I looked at all the handles of his tools. It was real beautiful the way they was gilded by work. (15.21)

Papa's hard work affects everything he touches, including his tools. The principles he lives by even seem to live on after he dies, "gilding" the tools he used every day. (P.S. Gilding something means to color it gold, but with the added sense here of making it more precious. Just like Papa.)