Dead End in Norvelt Resources


Meet Jack Gantos

Check out Jack Gantos's website for all the deets on the real Gantos.

Someone Get a Sweater—I Feel a Cold War Coming On

This very respectable BBC website details the history behind the Cold War, the setting for Gantos's book.

The Cold War Museum's Cold War Timeline

A timeline of major events that went down during the Cold War.

Remember Your Heritage

Get the scoop on some of the major social and economic upheavals that prompted President Roosevelt's "New Deal" at The American Heritage Center Museum's New Deal Website.

Back at the Homestead

This website gives you a tour and some background information on Norvelt and other New Deal Homestead Communities, which were created to help out poor people after the Depression.

We Call It SPOW

Miss Volker might have belonged to the Society of Professional Obituary Writers.


In 1960 (right around when Dead End in Norvelt is set), the Doomsday Clock was set at 7 minutes until midnight—giving the world a figurative representation of how close is was to nuclear war.

Articles and Interviews

"Seven Impossible Interviews Before Breakfast"

We love a good Alice reference—especially when it comes with a meaty interview with Mr. Jack Gantos.

Domestic Drama

Gantos talks about the challenges and craziness of growing up in his family.

Dead End Talking

Gantos gives an interview about his semi-autobiographical novel.

They Make These Now?

Yep. It's a book trailer for Dead End in Norvelt.Like a movie trailer. But for a book.

Remember Your (Personal) History

Jack Gantos talks about moving a lot as a child and reading his sister's diary on the sly in this series of short interviews.

Real, Live History Professor

Check out this video of a real live history professor discussing the founding of the real life Norvelt. It's in two parts.


Jack Gantos Speaks

Here's a little backstory on the writing Dead End in Norvelt. Plus, Jack Gantos reads a brief excerpt!

Classing It Up

Trust NPR to make even Gantos's time spent in a federal prison sound fancy.


Yep, There's Some Covering Going On

Hey, do you think it's significant that the book cover doesn't show Jack's face?

The British Are Coming

Hm, the U.K. version looks a bit different.

A Hipster's Hipster

Check out Jackie's hipster chic glasses and throwback jacket.

Kidde Gantos

Here are several pictures of Gantos as a child. Check out the cute bow-tie!