Dear Mr. Henshaw Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes I lie awake listening to the gas station pinging, and I worry because something might happen to Mom. She is so little compared to most moms, and she works so hard. I don't think Dad is that much interested in me. (30.4)

What deep and sad thoughts for a kid. Definitely not the way it should be in an ideal world, and definitely the kind of situation to make a kid grow up, maybe before he's supposed to.

Quote #5

The worst part of all was I knew if Dad took someone to a pizza place for dinner, he wouldn't have phoned me at all, no matter what he said. He would have too much fun playing video games. (39.2)

Leigh is moving past the point where he believes unequivocally that his dad will come through for him. Even though his dad says one thing, Leigh uses past experiences to figure out his dad's behavior patterns and predict future behavior. Not only is this very grown-up reasoning, but his rock-solid belief in his dad is crumbling.

Quote #6

Now Mom went on. "I didn't think playing pinball machines in a tavern on Saturday night was fun anymore. Maybe I grew up and your father didn't." (39.13)

This isn't Mom's or Dad's coming of age story, but what Mom says here gives some insight into Dad. He's an example of what happens when someone doesn't grow up: he shirks responsibilities, doesn't follow through on his promises, and values playing games over his wife and kid.