Dear Mr. Henshaw Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I remembered, too, how Mom and I were alone a lot and how I hated living in that mobile home. About the only places we ever went were the laundromat and the library. (39.12)

You can see how confined Leigh felt living in the mobile home. They probably were broke and couldn't afford to go anywhere.

Quote #8

"Maybe Bandit is just a bum," said Mom. [...] "Remember how he jumped into your father's cab in the first place? Maybe he was ready to move on to another truck." (39.16)

It seems that Bandit is more like Dad than any other character: both are nomads always on the move. Mom uses this fact to reassure Leigh that Bandit probably found a new home.

Quote #9

Barry saw the sign on my door that said KEEP OUT MOM THAT MEANS YOU. He asked if my Mom really stays out of my room. I said, "Sure, if I keep things picked up." Mom is not a snoop. (55.5)

Though Mom keeps an eye on him and doesn't want him hanging out at the gas station, she's good about giving Leigh his own space and trusting him. He has a lot of freedom when he's home on his own, but sometimes it feels more like loneliness to him.