Death in Venice Resources


Death in Venice: the Book and the Movie

This blog entry is about Mann's novella, as well as the film version directed by Luchino Visconti. Check out Tadzio…

A Wiki about Death in Venice from Yale's "Modernism Lab"

This little wiki has useful background info about Mann's novella.

Mann's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

This website also includes a biographical sketch that Mann wrote about himself.

The Thomas Mann Archive in Zurich

Everything you could possibly need to know about Mann is probably here—it's kind of their job.

The Thomas Mann Museum

Make sure to swing by the next time you're in Lithuania.


The Definitive Film Version

The 1971 film adaptation of Death in Venice, directed by Italian director Luchino Visconti, is a classic.


An Interview with Mann from 1955

Thoughts from the Mann himself at the ripe old age of eighty.

A List of New York Times Articles about Mann

Oh Mann, that's a lot of articles. (We're really on a roll…)

A Review of the Visconti film

This is from 1971.


The Final Scene from Visconti's Death in Venice

Check this out.

The Opera

Guess what? There's a Death in Venice opera, too, thanks to Benjamin Britten.


The Radio Version

Peter Wolf made a BBC 4 radio version of Death in Venice in 1997.


Rocking the Sailor Suit

Take a look at Tadzio, played by the Swedish actor Björn Andrésen.

The Younger Years

Mann as a younger man.

Front Page Man

Check out this picture of Mann on the cover of Time Magazine in 1934.