The Diary of a Madman Prejudice Quotes

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Quote #10

Only I still cannot understand how a king can be made subject to the Inquisition. True, this might come from the French side, especially from Polignac. Oh, he's a sly customer, Polignac! He's sworn to injure me as long as I live. And so he persecutes me, persecutes me; but I know, friend, that you're being led by the Englishman. The Englishman is a great politician. He fusses about everywhere. The whole world knows that when England takes snuff, France sneezes. (18.1)

Xenophobia in action again. Muslims taking over the world isn't Poprishchin's only paranoid fantasy. He also thinks it must be the French persecuting him. The French might be evil, what with that evil accent and all, but they are also weak and dominated by the English. Would you like any Freedom Fries with that, P?