Die Hard Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #1

MCCLANE: Okay, 32, construction; 33, computers.

Right off the bat, McClane's showing his NYPD blues. The minute he runs from the hostage crisis, he starts figuring things out—even taking notes. He just can't help but know what he's doing.

Quote #2

GRUBER: Now, you can break the code.

THEO: You didn't bring me along for my charming personality.

Ain't that the truth. Sure, Theo may have his moments of comedic relief, but we imagine the constant humming of "Singing in the Rain" would grate on anyone's nerves. His point here is that he's got the knowhow to get the job done. Only he can open the vault.

Quote #3

MCCLANE [in writing]: Now I have a machine gun. Ho-ho-ho.

What's McClane's game here? At first, it might seem a bit odd that he would reveal his existence to Hans and his henchmen in such a taunting way. But McClane's doing more than just poking the dragon. See, he knows that by revealing himself in this way, he can get some key info out of the terrorists as they discuss what to do next. And indeed, in the next shot, we see McClane, listening in from the top of the elevator. Clever, no?