
You'd think that, at the age of 42, Alan Rickman would have been around the Hollywood block by Die Hard's 1988 debut. But this was actually his first movie role. And what a role it is, right? (Source)

Remember that scene where McClane shoots Marco from underneath the table? Apparently, Bruce Willis suffered permanent hearing damage from firing off blanks in such close quarters. (Source)

Our favorite foreign translation of Die Hard's title? That would be Hungary's Give Your Life Expensive. (Source)

Die Hard contains two nods to the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright: (1) The Nakatomi offices are designed to look like Wright's Falling Water, and (2) the scale model of a bridge that Hans admires in front of Takagi is a scale model of a design for a bridge over the San Francisco Bay. (Source)

Pacific Courier, the name on the truck in which Hans and his henchmen arrive at Nakatomi Plaza translates to "Bringer of Peace." Yeah, not so much. (Source)