Die Hard Scenes 13-14 Summary

Scene 13

  • Meanwhile, McClane has made his way to the roof, which is deserted. He desperately radios anyone who will listen.
  • Of course Gruber hears it and figures out he's on the roof. Here comes angry Karl along with his cronies.
  • A 911 dispatcher tells McClane that the channel is reserved for emergency calls only. McClane's all, "no duh, lady," except imagine more swear words and sarcasm.
  • The call is interrupted by machine gun fire, which prompts the dispatcher to send a local LEO to do a drive by.

Scene 14

  • A cop is buying as many Twinkies as he can carry at a gas station convenience store.
  • He gets a call telling him to drive by Nakatomi Plaza.
  • He's on his way.
  • Before driving over, he steps out into the street and takes a look at the building.
  • All seems well, including the fact that apparently, in 1988, gas was only 74 cents per gallon. Ah, those halcyon days.