Dirty Dancing Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dirty Dancing.

Quote #4

ROBBIE: If tips keep up, I'm gonna have enough for my Alfa Romeo.

Robbie Gould, ladies and gents. Enough money to buy a sports car. Not enough class to help a woman he gets pregnant.

Quote #5

BABY: So you were really a Rockette? I think you're a wonderful dancer.

PENNY: Yeah, well, my mother kicked me out when I was sixteen. I've been dancing ever since. It's the only thing I ever wanted to do anyway.

BABY: I envy you.

Penny storms off after Baby says this, and her angry reaction is totally understandable. Penny doesn't need to hear that Baby, a girl who hasn't faced a day of hardship in her life, envies her almost being homeless. To Baby's credit, Baby isn't being mean spirited. She's just ignorant about how her comment might come across.

Quote #6

NEIL: If they think you're with me, they'll be the happiest parents at Kellerman's. I have to say it. I'm known as the catch of the county. […] Last week I took a girl away from Jamie, the lifeguard, and he said to her, right in front of me, "What does he have that I don't have?" And she said, "Two hotels."

Neil thinks he can buy his way into a relationship or marriage. Frankly, he probably can. But he can't buy his way into Baby's heart. She wants substance over cash any day. Neil is the film's poster boy for condescension and obnoxiousness.