Identity Quotes in Divergent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

People who get this kind of result are..." She looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to appear behind her. "...are called...Divergent." She says the last word so quietly that I almost don't hear it, and her tense, worried look returns. She walks around the side of the chair and leans in close to me. (3.20)

The book sure takes its time to get to the word Divergent: here we are, waiting ever since we read the title for the word to show up and it takes three whole chapters. But it doesn't disappoint since what it means is huge—that Tris has to make her own decision about who she'll become. Every sentence here reminds us that this is important stuff: Tori's nervousness, her whispering, the pauses.

Quote #2

I am proud. It will get me into trouble someday, but today it makes me brave. I walk toward the ledge and hear snickers behind me. (6.66)

Tris has lots of "I am" moments in the book. Usually she's saying she's not selfless enough to be Abnegation or she's so brave she should be Dauntless. But check out here, when she identifies as proud. But there's no faction for pride. Or is there? Notice that the Dauntless get called proud a bunch (13.9, 24.50).

Quote #3

"Um..." I don't know why I hesitate. But "Beatrice" just doesn't sound right anymore.

"Think about it," he says, a faint smile curling his lips. "You don't get to pick again."

A new place, a new name. I can be remade here.

"Tris," I say firmly. (6.82-5)

This is a big moment, which Tris helps us recognize with that little thought in the middle: this isn't just "I can pick a new name." This is "I can be remade." That's an awful lot of work for a nickname. (And are Tris and Four the only peeps with nicknames?)