Don Quixote Resources



You know, because it's the most obvious thing to type into your address bar.

Don Quixote Text for Free

Follow this link to a free copy of e-book version of Don Quixote, courtesy of Project Gutenberg.

Digital Exhibit of Translations and Illustrations

Many people over the years have tried to illustrate or represent the great Don Quixote. Here is an online exhibit of some of these efforts.


Adventures of Don Quixote (1933)

One of the first major film adaptations of the novel. Worth a watch if you can ever find a copy. We recommend starting with local libraries.

Don Quixote the Musical (1972)

Actually, they call it Man of La Mancha. Maybe you've heard the song "The Impossible Dream"? It comes from here.

Nureyev's Don Quixote (1973)

Don Quixote wasn't only a popular book. It was turned into a successful ballet, too.

Don Quixote by Orson Welles

Orson Welles is kind of a big deal. But sadly, he wasn't able to complete this 10-year project before he died.

Don Quixote's Made-for-TV Movie

Starring John Lithgow and Bob Hoskins, this is the most recent major production of Don Quixote. If you're looking for something recent and watchable, it's best to start here.


The Knight in the Mirror

In a piece for The Guardian, critic Harold Bloom argues that Don Quixote is without doubt the first (and best) modern novel.

Don Quixote and the Facts of Life

This article does a great job of explaining why Don Quixote remains such an important piece of work. Because it brought reality and real-world problems into the world of literature.

Centuries of Don Quixote

Writer Juan de la Cuesta gives his take on the general impact Don Quixote has had over the centuries.


No, it's not the title of the next Disney movie; it's the title of a piece by Edith Grossman, the most recent translator of the novel, on Don Quixote and the challenge of translating it anew.


Don Quixote Ballet

Don Quixote takes on his biggest villain yet… the art of dancing. Mwahahahah.

1933 Don Quixote

This video is really grainy, but it gives you the entire 1933 version of Adventures of Don Quixote.

1972 Man of La Mancha

This musical brought the story of Don Quixote to many audiences who never would have taken the time to pick up the original and read it all the way through.


Gordon Lightfoot's "Don Quixote"

Yup, the famous Canadian folk artist wrote a song about the guy.

Don Quixote Audiobook

It's hard to believe that a person who sat down and read all of Don Quixote out loud was ever able to talk again.

"Don Quichotte" by Magazine 60

Yeah, we've never heard of them, either. But they made a song about Don Quixote.


Don Quixote vs. Windmill

For the love of God, man. It's not a giant. It's just a windmill.

Setting Out

Don Quixote and Sancho on their way to some new adventure.

Don Quixote, by Picasso

Even the big P himself is in on the action.

Don Quixote's Craziness

A phenomenal visual representation of Don Quixote's insane obsession.