Driving Miss Daisy Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #1

DAISY: It was the car's fault.

BOOLIE: […] You backed the car into the Pollacks' yard.

DAISY: You should have let me keep my LaSalle. It wouldn't have behaved this way.

BOOLIE: Mama, cars don't behave. They are behaved upon. You demolished that Chrysler by yourself.

DAISY: Think what you want. I know the truth.

Daisy's reluctant to give up any of her independence, so she tries to blame her accident on the car, not driver error. We get the feeling that Boolie has been talking down to his mother for a long time, as if he's the parent and she's the child. In this instance, he's right.

Quote #2

HOKE: Say she done gone around the bend a little bit. Well now, that'll happen as they get on.

Hoke assumes Daisy can't drive anymore because she's getting senile. This line is a bit of foreshadowing of the end of the movie, when Miss Daisy does develop dementia. But at this moment, Boolie assures Hoke that it's not that she's "not all there." She's "too much there."

Quote #3

DAISY: Idella was lucky.

Daisy's already thinking about getting old and losing your capacities. She thinks Idella was lucky because she died quickly, without a lengthy illness or gradual deterioration. That's the fear of all elderly people.