Driving Miss Daisy Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #1

HOKE: Y'all people's Jewish, ain't you?

BOOLIE: Yeah, we are. Why?

HOKE: I'd rather work for Jews. I know folks say they stingy and cheap.
But don't say none of that around me! […] I worked for Judge Harold Stone, a Jewish gentleman. […] Judge Stone was my father's friend.

Hoke's familiar with the stereotypes about Jews, but he doesn't buy them. What this passage shows is that having personal relationships with people is what gets you past stereotypes about them. Judge Stone apparently treated Hoke well. The fact that he was friends with his father shows that the judge himself wasn't prejudiced either. Hoke says that with pride.

Quote #2

DAISY: They all take things, you know. […] They're like children in the house. If they want something, they just take it.

Miss Not Prejudiced doesn't seem to understand how offensive these vague generalizations about an entire race or class can be.

Quote #3

DAISY: Pull in here. Wait a minute. Give me the keys. Stay right here by the car.

Daisy doesn't trust Hoke not to run away with the car. You know those servants…