Driving Miss Daisy Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #1

HOKE: Judge Stone was my father's friend.

Hoke worked for a Jewish judge before Boolie offered him a job. In fact, the judge was a friend of Hoke's father—an important guy being friends with a poor black man. Northern Jews were very involved in the civil rights movement in the '50s and '60s, but southern Jews had to keep a low profile to avoid antagonizing their neighbors and fellow business owners. (That was why Boolie chose not to go to Dr. King's speech even though he admired him.) Jews who spoke out against desegregation could have their businesses boycotted or their houses of worship bombed. (Source)

Quote #2

BOOLIE: I guess you know who this is.

This is how Boolie introduces Hoke and Idella, almost as if he thinks all black people know one another. We're not given any information that suggests these two might have been acquainted.

Quote #3

BOOLIE: "Them." Afford "them." You sound like Governor Talmadge.

Boolie takes issue with how his mother refers to her household help. At least she's not saying "those people." Btw, Talmadge was the segregationist governor of Georgia in the 1930s and '40s.