Dubliners Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He began to feel ill at ease. He asked himself […] Why had he withheld life from her? Why had he sentenced her to death? He felt his moral nature falling to pieces. (A Painful Case.32)

Worse than suffering yourself: suffering because you made someone else suffer. Here Duffy sets himself apart in Dubliners as a person who's willing to take some responsibility for his wrongdoing. Except, what exactly did he do wrong? Why is he blaming himself for Mrs Sinico's suffering, if all he did was reject her advance? Is that really a reason to think your moral nature is falling to pieces?

Quote #5

After that Mrs Kearney's conduct was condemned on all hands: everyone approved of what the Committee had done. She stood at the door, haggard with rage, arguing with her husband and daughter, gesticulating with them. (A Mother.74)

Worse than suffering when you don't deserve it? Suffering when you do. But what's really terrible about this whole situation is that Mrs Kearney singlehandedly ruins her daughter's chances at a bright, musical future. Sure, she suffered some insults. But her reaction caused her daughter to suffer something much worse: failure.

Quote #6

She stopped, choking with sobs, and, overcome by emotion, flung herself face downward on the bed, sobbing in the quilt. (The Dead.453)

Check it out. All of the commas in this sentence mimic the short, heaving breaths and movements of her sobbing. This is just one of many examples of Joyce using a little thing we like to call syntax to help bring out the emotions of the scene.