Coming of Age Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He felt an offense against what his mother called his instinct for rightness. It wasn't that Reverend Mother lied to him. She obviously believed what she said. It was something deeper, something tied to his terrible purpose. (1.149)

Coming-of-Age Step 1: Learning that not everything your elders tell you is necessarily the right thing. Of course, some things are pretty good, so you should still probably pay attention to them, no matter how boring they are. You can always disagree later.

Quote #2

For when youth and beauty have gone, she will find that the place-between, once occupied by tension, has become a well-spring of cunning and resourcefulness. (3.Intro)

Coming of age in Dune doesn't just mean going from a child to an adult. Jessica, who is already an adult, must come of age into another stage of adulthood. In short, there are many "ages" we must come into during our lives.

Quote #3

"[…] Shield your son too much, Jessica, and he'll not grow strong enough to fulfill any destiny." (3.34)

Ah, the old helicopter parent dilemma—only in this case, it's less pushing your child to be a soccer prodigy and more teaching him to fight off assassins.