Extra Minor Characters

Character Analysis

Esmar Tuek

A smuggler leader on Arrakis. When Harkonnen agents try to sell the stolen carryall to smugglers, Esmar turns them in to Leto Atreides. Dr. Yueh murders him just before the Harkonnen attack for, um, some reason.

Staban Tuek

A smuggler leader and the son of Esmar Tuek. Staban gives Gurney and his men sanctuary after the Harkonnen invasion. He also bides Gurney to "[m]ove slowly and the day of your revenge will come" (28.49). The advice works out for Gurney since he gets his revenge. It may or may not have worked for Staban, who disappears from the novel as quickly as he enters.

The Banker a.k.a. Soo-Soo

A powerful banker and Harkonnen agent. He attempts to stir up trouble at the Atreides dinner party, but Kynes and Esmar are able to keep him in check.

Lingar Bewt

A water merchant on Arrakis and another member of the Atreides dinner party.

Kinet and Czigo

The soldiers ordered to bring Jessica and Paul into the desert and kill them. Things go about as well as you'd expect for these guys. Both end up dead.

Umman Kudu

The Harkonnen captain of the guard. Kudu dies in Leto's poisonous tooth attack, making his time in the novel rather brief.

Iakin Nefud

Harkonnen's second captain of the guard. He is promoted immediately after Kudu's death. It's a less than auspicious promotion, but the guy does what he can.


Yueh's wife. Her torture at the hands of Piter prior to the novel's beginning is what breaks Yueh's Imperial Conditioning. Yueh is promised her release for betraying Leto Atreides, but in a plot twist you can see from a mile away, he discovers she was murdered instead.


A Fremen. He calls Sietch Tabr Paul's home when Paul first arrives.

Kaleff & Orlop

Jamis's sons. They become Paul's wards after Paul kills Jamis in a duel.

Reverend Mother Ramallo

The Reverend Mother of the Fremen. She guides Jessica when she receives the Fremen collective memories via the Water of Life. When Jessica finally receives the memories, Ramallo dies, giving her memories to Jessica.


Staban's Quartermaster.


One of Stilgar's wives.

Captain Aramsham

The Sardaukar captain and the only one whose name we actually learn.

The Fedaykin

An elite group of Fremen soldiers who protect and serve Paul directly. They are also referred to as death commandos because they are complete and total butt-kickers. Their ranks include:

  • Chatt the Leaper (Captain)
  • Shishaki (A Squad Leader)
  • Korba (A Lieutenant)
  • Otheym (Another Lieutenant)