Family Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"No, it would not!" the Baron growled. "I must have him dead and his line ended." (2.78)

The Baron goes straight-up mafia here. It's family versus family in a duel to the death.

Quote #2

"You thought only of your Duke's desire for a son," the [Reverend Mother] snapped. "And his desires don't figure in this. An Atreides daughter could've been wed to a Harkonnen heir and sealed the breach. You've hopelessly complicated matters. We may lose both bloodlines now." (3.14)

Jessica finds herself stuck between her families. There's the surrogate family of the Bene Gesserit, and there's the family she created with Duke Leto. Considering how handsome Jessica thinks Leto is, you can bet which one she'll side with.

Quote #3

You have read that Muad'Dib had no playmates his own age on Caladan. The dangers were too great. But Muad'Dib did have wonderful companion-teachers. (4.Intro)

In Dune, the family doesn't just come in the vanilla mother, father, and children variety. Paul's teachers Hawat, Idaho, Gurney, and even Yueh all comprise the Atreides family.