E.T. Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #4

ELLIOTT: Is he here? You've gotta find him, Mike.

MICHAEL: Where is he?

ELLIOTT: In the forest. The bald spot. You gotta find him

We have two friendships on display here, Shmooper: First, Elliott's spent the night sick and sleeping in the words in a hunchback costume, but the wellbeing of his pal E.T. is the most important thing on his mind. Second, we have Michael's loyalty to Elliott, shown in his understanding of Elliott's concerns and his willingness to help. Sometimes big brothers aren't so bad.

Quote #5

ELLIOTT: We're sick. I think we're dying.

There's that "we" again.

Quote #6

ELLIOTT: Leave him alone! I can take care of him.

Even as he himself is dying and hooked up to a bunch of strange machines, Elliott's a fierce protector of E.T. He's also confident that he knows what's best for him.