E.T. Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Quote #7

KEYS: Elliott, that machine—what does it do?

ELLIOTT: The communicator? Is it still working?

KEYS: It's doing something. What?

ELLIOTT: I really shouldn't tell. He came to me. He came to me.

Elliott remains loyal to E.T. right up to—what appears to be—the end. Keeping secrets from adults? Totally a hallmark of friendship.

Quote #8

ELLIOTT: You must be dead. Because I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore.

On a scale of 1-10, Elliott and E.T.'s empathetic connection is a 28.

Quote #9

E.T.: Ouch.

E.T.'s an alien of few words, but the words he does use convey a lot. "Ouch" is repeated several times throughout the movie, but never as poignantly as it is at the very end when E.T. is leaving earth. E.T.'s not talking about physical pain—he's talking about heartache. Elliott gets it.