Fablehaven Theme of Appearances

The supernatural world hidden inside Fablehaven is full of appearances, both beautiful and hideous, enticing and misleading. Kendra and Seth learn this the hard way: the fairies may be exotic and lovely to look at, but they're quick to take revenge when Seth accidentally turns one of them into an imp (speaking of appearance-issues, fairies are universally beautiful and imps are universally ugly).

Magic can be used to alter someone's appearance too, as in cases of magical transformations, or with spells to make one look young and appealing. And aging in its own right is another appearance-changer (you'll want to talk to Lena about that one). In short, appearances contain a lot of information in Fablehaven… whether you know how to decipher their code is another question entirely.

Questions About Appearances

  1. Why do you think fairies and imps are opposites when it comes to image and appearance?
  2. Is using magic the only way to change someone's appearance in Fablehaven?
  3. Does being old automatically mean having an ugly appearance in Fablehaven? What are some examples for or against this connection?
  4. What do you think is the most grotesque appearance in the book?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Appearances in Fablehaven are more deceptive often than not.

The more magically-enhanced an appearance is in Fablehaven, the more dangerous the creature wearing it is.