Fablehaven Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Her parents were leaving on a seventeen-day Scandinavian cruise with all the aunts and uncles on her mother's side. (1.11)

The reason for Kendra and Seth's journey to Fablehaven in the first place is family-based. Their mom's side of the family has to go on a trip that was mandated in their grandparents' will. It's kind of morbid, but hey—whatever works.

Quote #2

Everyone was surprised when Grandpa Sorenson showed up at the funeral. It had been more than eighteen months since either of the Sorensons had visited. He had apologized that his wife could not attend because she was feeling ill. There always seemed to be an excuse. Sometimes Kendra wondered if they were secretly divorced. (1.29)

The Sorenson grandparents are pretty distant, which is part of why Kendra dreads having to go stay with them—it must be weird to know that you're related to somebody, but not have any real idea of who they actually are. Plus we see here that Kendra is perceptive, since she wonders if maybe there's a reason why she doesn't see much of her grandparents, and then rarely together. It seems like this kind of thing happens in a lot of families, and kids are able to figure out that something is up.

Quote #3

"Stan, I don't want to go on this cruise. It was important to my parents, so we're going. I don't mean to twist your arm." Mom sounded on the verge of tears. (1.41)

Here we see how Kendra's mom is not actually that thrilled about going on the cruise that was part of her parents' will. Kendra's sure not thrilled about it, nor is Grandpa—it seems like nobody in the family is happy about the way things are going down… so at least they all have that in common?