Fablehaven Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

Third Person (Limited Omniscient—Kendra and some Seth)

Someone we don't know and who plays no part in the book narrates the story for us, but we still spend a lot of Fablehaven inside Kendra's head since our narrator can peek inside it whenever they want. And Kendra's head isn't a bad place to be—after all, she's pretty sensible and compassionate. We see these qualities in her reaction to Seth being chased by fairies after accidentally turning one of them into an imp:

Her initial thought was to make a joke about the fairies wanting revenge for him trying to catch them, until she realized it was probably true. (8.47)

Good catch, Kendra. We also see things from Seth's perspective, but way less often than from Kendra's perspective—and that, friends, probably isn't a bad thing, since Seth is always getting into trouble. Needless to say, if the narrator spent as much time with Seth as they do with Kendra, we'd be talking about a very different story.