Arthegall (or Artegall) Timeline and Summary


Arthegall (or Artegall) Timeline and Summary

  • Technically, Arthegall's first appearance in The Faerie Queene is when he's seen by Britomart in Merlin's mirror, causing her to fall head over heels for him.
  • Merlin also gives her—and us—the 411 on Arthegall's childhood and future potential—quite an introduction.
  • We first actually meet Arthegall at the tournament of Satyrane, where he almost wins until he's unseated by none other than Britomart.
  • Annoyed, he joins forces with Scudamore to take vengeance on Britomart, but when he sees her beautiful face and learns who she is, they fall in love and are engaged.
  • The two part and we come across Arthegall again when he's sent by the Faerie Queene to help out Eirene, and we also learn a few more details about Arthegall's education in justice.
  • So he and his sidekick Talus head out, killing Sanglier on the way for having needlessly beheaded his lady.
  • They next encounter Pollente and Munera trying to keep control of their bridge, and Arthegall kills Pollente and has Talus dismember Munera and then Arthegall drowns her. Yeah.
  • He then gets in a philosophical debate with the giant with scales about social equality, and after throwing him of a cliff, heads to the wedding of Marinell and Florimell.
  • There, he fights Braggadochio and exposes both his cowardice and the False Florimell's… falseness.
  • After the wedding, he heads out again and intervenes in the quarrel between Bracidas and Amidas.
  • He then helps Terpine, who is about to be hanged by Amazons, and when he hears from him about the transgressions of Radigund, he decides to go off and challenge her.
  • He then goes off to Radigund and fights her but is so taken aback by her beauty, he stops fighting and she wins, making him into her captive and forcing him to wear women's clothing.
  • He, does, however, resist her hitting on him until he's saved by Britomart.
  • The two then part ways (again—sniff!) and he teams with Arthur to help out Samient against Adicia and the Souldan.
  • They trick their way into Adicia's castle where they kill the Souldan but not Adicia, and they all head off to see Queen Mercilla, luring and kill Malengin on the way.
  • At the court of Queen Mercilla, Arthegall witnesses the trial of Duessa and after that bumps into Sergis, one of Eirene's subjects, who tells him that she's been captured by Grantorto.
  • Arthegall feels a bit guilty for taking his sweet time in helping her out, although not so guilty that he doesn't make one more quick detour to help Burbon reclaim Fleurdelis, but finally reaches Eirene and kills Grantorto.
  • Apparently, however, some malicious rumors have been spread about how he handled the Grantorto-situation, so he's ordered to return to the court of the Faerie Queene.
  • Fittingly, on his way back he's attacked by Envie and Detraction who set the Blatant Beast to attack him.