Sir Guyon Timeline and Summary


Sir Guyon Timeline and Summary

  • Recently knighted, Guyon heads out with his trusty Palmer to find adventure when he comes across Archimago who claims that Redcrosse has violated his lady, Duessa.
  • Guyon confronts Redcrosse, but the two figure out what's going on and are reconciled.
  • Guyon then finds the dying Amavia with her baby and vows revenge on Acrasia.
  • He then takes the baby to Medina's castle, where he fights Huddibras and Sansloy until Medina makes them all get along.
  • He explains his mission to Medina and then leaves the baby, named Ruddimane, with her.
  • After leaving Medina's house, he's alarmed to find his horse gone.
  • He trudges along nonetheless and then frees Phaon from Occasion and Furor, fights with both Atin and Pyrocles, and then lets Pyrocles untie Furor and Occasion.
  • Leaving Pyrocles in the grips of those two, he winds up at the Idle Lake and leaves the Palmer behind while he goes off with Phaedria and briefly fights Cycles.
  • He then comes upon Mammon, who tempts him with wealth in the underworld, but Guyon survives although is weak and faints after he leaves.
  • An angel rescues him and he is reunited with the Palmer.
  • While Guyon is still recovering, his armor is almost stolen by Pyrocles and Cymochles, but Arthur shows up and kills them.
  • They then head to Alma's castle, where they take a grand tour and get absorbed in reading about history.
  • He then leaves Alma and heads for the Bower of Bliss, which he finds after safely navigating various oceanic obstacles.
  • At the Bower of Bliss, he makes his was to Acrasia, pretty unfazed by various temptation, until he sees two women bathing.
  • The Palmer helps him move on they trap Acrasia and Verdant, chain Acrasia, and then turn her various beasts back into men, but unfortunately, they're pretty ungrateful.
  • After this, he leaves Alma's castle, sending Acrasia off to the Faerie Queene, and joins Arthur on a variety of adventures.
  • They bump into Britomart, who unseats him, but they soon reconcile.
  • Like pretty much everyone else in the poem, he loves Florimell as soon as he sees her and then finally gets his horse back from Braggadochio and helps Arthegall find peace.